We are currently in Tier 4 lockdown in the Glasgow area with restrictions on travelling and we are advised to stay at home to protect each other and the NHS. All non-essential shops are closed as well as gyms, sport centres and yoga studios. Outdoors For You have also had to reduce our activities for the time being, however, we hope to resume our full schedule of activities as soon as it is safe to do so.
It can be very stressful and frustrating with these restrictions affecting our daily lives. We believe that it is important to stay active and healthy during lockdown both for our mental and physical health. The list below are some suggestions of safe activities that can help us to stay active and healthy during these challenging times .
Daily Walk
Walking is a fantastic way to improve or maintain overall health. Giving yourself a goal of achieving a certain number of daily steps and tracking these steps by pedometer or fitness band or a fitness app downloaded to your mobile can help to motivate yourself. Organising a step challenge with friends can be a nice way to keep walking.
Running Why not try running? Anyone can become a runner even if you have never done it before! If you are new to running, start with a short jog and build it up slowly to avoid injuries. Couch to 5k is a popular way to start running and a great source for tips and useful information. For more information about Couch to 5k visit https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/get-running-with-couch-to-5k/
Online classes
There are many online fitness classes that you can perform in your living room. Check NHS website to explorer various options https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-fitness-studio/
Cycling is another fantastic way to keep active and also a great way to explore your local area. There are a number of cycle paths across the Glasgow City Council area, giving you safe and designated spaces to travel. If you do not have a bike the Next Bike is a good way to try cycling. For more information visit
Virtual Races
Virtual Races is a good way to stay motivated and challenge yourself. You can find different races for different types of activities such as running, cycling, swimming and more. You can find some options of the races from the https://www.virtualracinguk.co.uk/
Healthy Eating
Healthy eating is always good for your general wellbeing, but particularly during lockdown as a normal daily movement is restricted and it is even more important to be mindful of what you eat. Healthy diets are important for supporting immune systems and other elements of health and wellbeing. For more information please this link from NHS https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19/healthy-living/coronavirus-covid-19-diet-and-healthy-weight
Stay In Touch!
The lockdown makes us socially restricted and we unfortunately have more time apart from our family and friends than ever before. Lockdown and self-isolation increases the risk of loneliness and that can have a negative impact on our mental health. Please do not hesitate to contact your family and friends via online messaging or by organising virtual coffees over Skype and Zoom. If you are lonely, please check available support from your local community and people you know. We are all in this together so let’s make sure we are all supported and take plenty of self-care.
Stay safe and stay active,
Outdoors For You